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eLearning trends for 2023

These innovations will make you ready for the future of eLearning

eLearning trends 2023

eLearning and personnel development are subject to constant change. New methods are tested and implemented, and tried-and-tested strategies are evolved and honed. Successful learning strategies are constantly evolving, moving with the times, and using modern technologies. Don’t miss out on the latest eLearning trends in 2023. Find out about the most important and promising trends and innovations for this year here.


AI content

Get better content quickly with artificial intelligence

Even in 2022, AI was already a hotly debated topic that dominated social networks. AI in eLearning is nothing new, but the latest technological developments are creating new fields of application. Above all, AI will play a major role in creating eLearning content in the future. It cannot replace experts for learning content, but should rather be seen as a valuable addition. Accelerate your content creation, save time on image and text research, or translate your content in record time with AI.


Image AI

Image research costs a lot of time, and for some topics it is difficult to find any suitable images at all. Image AI products, such as Midjourney or DALL·E, create images based on your text inputs. With a little practice, you can use them to create attractive art for your eLearning courses. Use the AI-generated images directly in your courses, combine them with other images, or use them as inspiration for your own image creations. Your options are endless. However—as with any image material you use—you should first get a detailed grip on the licensing conditions of the respective providers.

Text AI

The text AI product ChatGPT caused uproar at the end of 2022. With just a few inputs, the AI can create complete blog articles, social media posts, or product descriptions. Other providers, such as neuroflash, also have numerous options for creating, optimizing, and rewording texts. So far, these products are not suitable for creating expert content, but they can give you great inspiration for the structure of your courses. Use AI to help you write pithy introductions and emails, or advertise your learning content to your employees with AI-generated texts.

AI-assisted translation

Automatic translations have been available for several years, and their quality has improved rapidly. It is becoming increasingly easy to roll out learning content to international target groups.  Are you already using AI-assisted translations to internationalize your eLearning projects? In Knowledgeworker Create, you can translate your entire course into many languages with just one click. Find out how it works here:

Text to speech

Text-to-speech AI is particularly popular, not only in terms of accessibility. The automated conversion of written text into spoken words is particularly advantageous in accelerating your review processes: Instead of having texts dubbed in a complex and costly manner, text-to-speech offers you an easy and inexpensive way to review spoken content in online courses or coaching sessions. 


The flipped classroom

Learning independently, consolidating together.

Learning has long ceased to be a linear process. There are various didactic concepts for imparting learning content as effectively as possible. A concept that has been used rather sparingly in the eLearning context so far could become increasingly established in 2023—the flipped-classroom model. In the flipped classroom, participants initially learn independently using online courses or other digital learning content, such as videos. Subsequently, the content is consolidated, discussed, or put into a practical context in a typical “classroom” situation. The participants determine their own pace of learning and make the best use of the time spent with the group and the trainer.

An LMS (learning management system) provides ideal support for a successful flipped-classroom model. With this, you can share the courses and learning materials with your learners, stimulate discussions, and plan and coordinate video conferences or face-to-face events. You can use individual learning paths to provide participants with the best preparation for the group sessions, based on their skills and previous knowledge. Here’s how to find the right LMS for your needs:



Banner checklist learning management system eLearning
Banner checklist learning management system elearning

Checklist: It’s easy to find the right learning management system

Over 40 useful features and functions

This checklist allows you to identify the key criteria for your learning management system and set down your individual requirements. Use the checklist to make sure that you have not forgotten any important aspects, then look at your individual requirements catalog.


Accessibility and inclusion

Strictly speaking, accessibility and inclusion in eLearning should not be a trend or an innovation, but a matter of course. The reality is different, however: Access to digital education is often more difficult or sometimes even impossible for people with disabilities, even though there are more than 7.9 million people with severe disabilities in Germany alone.  2023 should see a change in this trend. More and more employers are recognizing the value of accessible training offers. They are gaining a competitive edge by effectively training and developing every group of people—without exception.

Use Knowledgeworker Create to develop accessible online courses with no additional effort. Position yourself as an inclusive company and strengthen your employees with accessible training courses. You can find everything you need to know about accessibility with Knowledgeworker Create here:


Video-based learning

Immersive learning with moving-image content

This type of learning provides learning content in the form of videos. Learners can watch these as needed and acquire new knowledge on the basis of them. Videos have many advantages when it comes to knowledge transfer: They are immersive, can illustrate content well, and appeal to learners with preferences for visual and auditory content. 

However, the editing of videos is often complex, and more detailed information is difficult to integrate in such a way that it offers real added value. With video interactions and video chapters, Knowledgeworker Create offers you the ability to benefit from the trend for video-based learning in the best way without having to accept its disadvantages.

Nadine Pedro
[Translate to English:] Nadine Pedro, chemmedia AG

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Learning analytics

In marketing, the trend toward data-based analysis has already been around for some years. In eLearning, more and more HR managers are recognizing the value of well-structured data to optimize their work. Only with a good database can learning outcomes be improved, learning times shortened, and employee satisfaction increased. Collect learning data, evaluate it, and improve the performance of your training products. In addition, you have an opportunity to present your results in an appealing way, and to harmonize them with KPIs. This is especially important when working with management methods such as OKRs. 

If you decide to integrate learning analytics into your eLearning strategy, you should make sure that you comply with all data protection regulations right from the start, and that no personality rights are violated. Get help from experts, and involve employee representatives and works councils right from the start. This way, you can avoid future conflicts or misunderstandings that could jeopardize your project. 


The bottom line

The eLearning trends for 2023 are many and varied, easy to implement, and very effective. First, implement the trends that make sense for you and that you can implement with little effort. Especially in the field of AI, you can achieve a great impact this year with little effort. Try out new paths for your training strategy and enable your employees to have positive learning experiences in 2023.

Nadine Pedro
[Translate to English:] Nadine Pedro, chemmedia AG
Nadine Pedro

Image source: Tijana Simic/shutterstock.com