Text-to-speech - learning with all your senses
Support for auditory learners made easy.
Not everyone learns the same way! While some learners learn well on the basis of images and texts, others need auditory input to achieve optimal results. Auditory learners benefit greatly from hearing information. This allows them to process it better and retain it for longer. If you want to give every learner the best opportunity to learn, use the option to add partial or complete soundtracks to your texts. The text-to-speech feature is a cost-effective and efficient way to convert written content into audio content.
Some content can be conveyed better, more sympathetically or more quickly in spoken language. And some target groups are unable to grasp written text, or find it difficult. This includes small children, individuals who cannot read and write, and people who are visually impaired. Accessibility is still a highly relevant topic and should not be neglected, especially in vocational training. However, getting eLearning content professionally dubbed is expensive and time-consuming. Texts are often subject to review and change. Here, too, the text-to-speech function provides a rapid and inexpensive alternative: To begin with, dub your courses to be reviewed using the text-to-speech feature, before resorting to expensive voice artists.
How to use text-to-speech
Examples for quick and easy soundtracking
The text-to-speech feature is ideal for a wide range of texts. Create high-quality soundtracks in no time. Cost-effective and efficient. The text-to-speech feature can be used for:
- spoken summaries of units for consolidation
- taking in content like a podcast, for instance while running or driving
- supplementing written content to support auditory learners
- providing content for target groups who cannot read or have difficulty reading
- providing soundtracks for languages where a suitable speaker is hard to find
- providing prototype soundtracks for review processes
- low-budget projects or projects that need to go live in a very short space of time
And this is how it sounds...
Image source: Drazen Zigic/shutterstock.com