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Better orientation thanks to highlighting of visited areas

This is how your learners can always keep track

Visualisation visit marker in Knowledgeworker Create

If you lose your way, you lose your motivation. This makes it all the more important for participants in digital training to keep constant track of the goals they have already achieved, which components have been successfully completed in their current online course, and which ones are still pending. Especially if your employees take online courses in sections at different times rather than in one session, they need to be able to find their personal starting point again quickly and without having to do a lengthy search for the place where they left off the last time. This means that both learners and companies save valuable time, which in turn makes learning more efficient. What’s more, having a good sense of orientation during the learning process has a motivating effect on learners and hence a positive impact on learning outcomes. After all, if you can clearly find your way—and this also applies to online learning—you can reach your destination easily and directly, without any detours.


New visited element highlighting feature

Efficiency-boosting. Motivating. Automatic.

This is where the new visited element highlighting feature within Knowledgeworker Create comes in. Colored highlighting automatically indicates which elements learners have already visited. In this way, they can quickly see which learning objects are still pending and which ones have already been completed.

Icon automation


As soon as a learning object has been successfully visited, the object’s color setting changes automatically. No further action is required from learners.

Icon individuality


Visited areas are automatically shown in lighter or darker shades, depending on the original color. You don’t need to do anything else. Alternatively, we can customize the color of the visited element highlighting for you. 

Icon storage

SCORM compliant

The highlighting of the visited areas is saved and is still visible when the online course is opened again. With SCORM 1.2 this information is saved at the section level, with SCORM 2004 and xAPI at the element level.

Nadine Pedro
[Translate to English:] Nadine Pedro, chemmedia AG

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Frequently asked questions

Visited element highlighting works with all the interactive elements integrated in Knowledgeworker Create, including:

  • Buttons
  • Accordions
  • Questions
  • Videos and
  • Much more

All the available interactions within and relating to the element must have been visited. This means that a drop-down box is considered to have been visited as soon as the entire content has been viewed. If there are other interactions within the element—a button in an accordion, for example—these must also be visited.

No, you don’t have to do anything else! Visited element highlighting is automatically activated. To enhance already-published content with visited element highlighting, all you need to do is re-export the content from Knowledgeworker Create and upload it to your LMS or other delivery platform.

The action color—the color of visited interactive elements—will automatically become 30% lighter or darker, depending on the previous color value. 

Yes, we can store a color for visited elements specifically for each of your layout themes. Talk to us about this.

Visited element highlighting is automatically activated in all content and export formats. Export in SCORM 2004 or xAPI formats is required to ensure that visited elements are still highlighted when learning content is re-opened. To support the best possible use of your learning content, we would be happy to advise you on export formats and individual configurations.

Yes. If you want, we can disable the feature completely or only in specific layout themes.


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Image source: YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV/shutterstock.com