Mobile. Smart. Modern.
Achieving success with tiny units of knowledge
Embedding knowledge effectively
Practice. Repeat. Test.
The flashcard app allows you to make knowledge available to your employees in the smallest of units via digital flashcards, The short units convey knowledge memorably and efficiently. Learning outcomes are supported by artificial intelligence, which automatically returns flashcards that need to be revised to the bottom of the pile. So learners are automatically shown them again at a suitable point.
Targeted revision and regular learning for short amounts of time ensures learners absorb content and can easily apply it in practice. Digital flashcards are also a popular and varied format to add to your eLearning project. They reduce your learners’ stress levels and cognitive load, and maximize learning outcomes in the long term.
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Informal, needs-based learning, microlearning
Knowledge when it’s needed
Flashcards not only make it easier for your employees to learn, they also offer new ways to identify solutions to urgent problems rapidly. Your employees feel supported in their work, and you benefit from their more efficient learning. At the same time, the short digital flashcard units ensure they retain knowledge for longer. Learning is still great fun and enjoyment may even be enhanced by the shortness of the units, which lowers learners’ inhibitions. In short: Microlearning with digital flashcards reduces learner stress without sacrificing results or learning outcomes.