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The microlearning flashcard app

Communicate knowledge in a short, pithy, and particularly memorable way

Header Knowledgeworker Cards quick flashcards
Header Knowledgeworker Cards fast learning with flashcards
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Made in GermanyHigh securityGDPR compliantOutstanding softwareResponsive on multiple devices
Discover Cards

Mobile. Smart. Modern.

Achieving success with tiny units of knowledge

Learning becomes child’s play with gamification.

Embedding knowledge effectively

Practice. Repeat. Test.

The flashcard app allows you to make knowledge available to your employees in the smallest of units via digital flashcards, The short units convey knowledge memorably and efficiently. Learning outcomes are supported by artificial intelligence, which automatically returns flashcards that need to be revised to the bottom of the pile. So learners are automatically shown them again at a suitable point.

Targeted revision and regular learning for short amounts of time ensures learners absorb content and can easily apply it in practice. Digital flashcards are also a popular and varied format to add to your eLearning project. They reduce your learners’ stress levels and cognitive load, and maximize learning outcomes in the long term.


Try it out.

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Man on smartphone on bus visualises e-learning with cards from anywhere

Informal, needs-based learning, microlearning

Knowledge when it’s needed

Flashcards not only make it easier for your employees to learn, they also offer new ways to identify solutions to urgent problems rapidly. Your employees feel supported in their work, and you benefit from their more efficient learning. At the same time, the short digital flashcard units ensure they retain knowledge for longer. Learning is still great fun and enjoyment may even be enhanced by the shortness of the units, which lowers learners’ inhibitions. In short: Microlearning with digital flashcards reduces learner stress without sacrificing results or learning outcomes.


Smart. Individualized. Effective.

The flashcard app for companies

Illustration feature central management

Easy to create

The Knowledgeworker Create authoring tool makes it easy to create your flashcards. You create categories, questions, and the appropriate answers. 

Illustration feature: Collaboration

Collaborative working

Everyone involved with creating flashcards can work in an agile and collaborative manner from the outset. This shortens your production times and allows you to roll out material more quickly.

Illustration feature: Multilingualism


Knowledgeworker Create’s integrated translation management makes it easy to internationalize flashcards. 

Illustration feature multimedia


In addition to text, flashcards can include graphics, photos, images, and videos. It’s easy to incorporate the details you need into your flashcards.

Illustration feature central cloud database

Sustainable knowledge management

All questions, answers, and media are stored centrally on a database, allowing you to reuse content at any time.

Illustration feature template based layout

Corporate design

Design your flashcards in your corporate colors, thus strengthening the branding of your training and presenting yourselves as the knowledge experts. 

Illustration feature multiformat


Once you have created your flashcards, it’s easy to transfer them to the app, and categorization makes it straightforward to assign them to learners.

Illustration feature app based

Using the app

Knowledgeworker Cards is available as an app for all mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones. The app can be found in the Google Play Store and in the Apple Store.

Illustration feature: Reports and analytics

Measurement of outcomes

Knowledgeworker Cards provides learners with transparent information on their learning via a progress bar. This gives them an overview of the material they have left to complete at all times.

Man at laptop visualizes microlearning


The most effective way of conveying knowledge: The flashcard app is flexible and allows you to adapt your training formats to your employees’ circumstances. Knowledge is provided in the smallest of units via digital flashcards. This means learning can be easily integrated into daily routines and will be retained for a long time.

Cheerful woman on a tablet visualizes mobile learning

Mobile learning

Give your learners flexibility and achieve better learning outcomes: Digital flashcards allow learners to decide for themselves when the best time is for them to learn. Knowledge can be accessed anywhere and on any mobile device via the app.

Concentrated man at laptop visualizes adaptive learning

Adaptive learning

Increase the effectiveness of learning, improve motivation, and boost learning outcomes: The intelligent display shows what material still remains to be learned and when, and enables learners to work in their own time and at their own pace, creating a customized learning process for each individual. Content is motivational and engaging.

cheerful business team

Advice and design

We will be happy to help you develop your skills with the flashcard app, and integrate it into your existing eLearning strategy and your system landscape.

Man and woman in grey jacket

Content creation

We work with you to create categories, questions, and potential answers directly in Knowledgeworker Create and import them into your flashcard app.

Woman looking at tablet


Put translation in our expert hands and save valuable time. We are happy to internationalize all your material and will provide you with ready-to-use flashcards.

Woman next to flipchart

Workshops, training sessions, webinars

We’ll get you in shape. We offer a range of sessions for authors and users, webinars, workshops, and face-to-face events for all types of eLearning. Ready for the future?


Your contact

I’m delighted you’re interested and I’m looking forward to getting to know you!

Sarah Hill
Sarah Hill
eLearning Consultant & Sales Manager
Germany: + 49 371 49 370 374
Switzerland: +41 44 999 80 08
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It’s that easy

Knowledgeworker Cards Visualization