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Try Knowledgeworker Coach free of charge

Test Knowledgeworker Coach 8 weeks for free.
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Interactive learning in individual scenarios

Soft Skill Training with Knowledgeworker Coach

  • Training from any device, at any time, for any number of employees
  • Motivating gamification elements and fun learning
  • Confident training with simulated interlocutors
  • immersive and realistic situations with direct practical relevance
  • Results are measurable, assessable, and easy to compare

Soft Skill Training without Knowledgeworker Coach

  • inflexible and not scalable
  • bored participants with no motivation
  • ineffective and unpleasant role-playing
  • lack of practical relevance
  • Results not measurable and difficult to evaluate
Sarah Hill

30 days free of charge

Test and get to know Knowledgeworker Coach

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Digitalization opens up new opportunities for you in personnel development. With Knowledgeworker Coach, you teach soft skills in an innovative and effective way. Scenario-based learning creates real-life situations that actively engage learners and increase their interest and motivation. The result? Better learning outcomes that stick in the memory for the long term. Embrace new forms of learning and invest in your employees and their personal development. Your benefits: better employee retention, higher employee satisfaction and therefore better productivity. Try Knowledgeworker Coach now and benefit from a contemporary, effective and successful staff development!