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Create eLearning courses quickly and stress-free with Knowledgeworker Artificial Intelligence—KAI for short

Artificial intelligence gives you faster project execution, more efficient course creation, and more time for the important tasks.

Cover picture KAI Knowledgeworker Artificial Intelligence

Creating training that contains good content, is visually appealing, and didactically effective is difficult enough. Time pressures in personnel development are increasing and personal contact with learners is falling by the wayside. Unless you have infinite resources, time is the biggest limiting factor in your work.

KI-KAI—Knowledgeworker Artificial Intelligence—relieves you of repetitive and time-consuming tasks, so you can concentrate on what’s really important. Use your resources wisely and let KI-KAI support you in your work. 



Easily create AI-supported learning content and enrich it with your own expertise

The game changer for personnel development

KI-KAI supports you in the process of authoring your eLearning courses by relieving you of time-consuming, repetitive tasks and implementing them itself in seconds. Almost everyone who creates online courses has had it happen: Designing a meaningful outline, writing the texts and selecting the imagery suddenly takes up much more time than expected. Time you could be using on other projects or, in the worst case, on direct interaction with learners. KI-KAI helps streamline your processes so you have more time for the things that make your work truly valuable. KI-KAI provides you with templates and ideas that you can enrich with your expertise and turn into a successful final product.

You’ll be surprised at how quickly you can create an online course when you don’t have to do every step yourself. Instead of wasting your mental resources on stressful copy-&-pasting and copywriting tasks, use your expertise to perfect KI-KAI’s first drafts. Talk to your subject matter experts to make sure that the content created is accurate. No more endless meetings and appointments. Reduce project management costs and increase your productivity—without stress and time pressures. 


KI-KAI—the smart AI helper

Supporting you in the authoring process

With KI-KAI, you can take your eLearning project from 0 to 100 in seconds. Create the initial prototype of your content concept in a few seconds with KI-KAI. Create eLearning content up to 50% faster thanks to these powerful features: 


Convert existing files to eLearning courses

How much learning content is sitting unused on your server? PDFs, PowerPoint presentations and Word documents can be a real goldmine for valuable learning content. KI-KAI converts your old material into vivid eLearning courses. After a review by your experts, they are as good as new and ready for use in your personnel development. 

Get coherent structures

Structuring learning content in a logical yet entertaining way is a challenge. KI-KAI gives structure to your content and develops a coherent flow for your course. Discover new subject areas and find the common thread that runs through your online courses. 

Create compelling text content

Almost every author has had writer’s block. Repetitive topics and pressure have a negative impact on creativity. You lack the crucial spark to light the fire. KI-KAI provides you with excellent text suggestions, tailored to your needs. Use them for inspiration or simply add the finishing touches. 

Ask the right questions

As an eLearning author, it can be tedious to repeatedly come up with suitable questions to check knowledge. You can risk not offering enough variety or over- or under-challenging learners. KI-KAI generates multiple-choice questions based on your subject matter. Complement KI-KAI’s questions with your own ideas and make the questions available for use in other courses. 

Create captivating graphics, photos, and illustrations

Finding the right imagery for your courses is time-consuming and exhausting. Sometimes the content fits but the style doesn’t, or vice versa. KI-KAI generates high-quality photos, graphics and illustrations to match your ideas. Entertain your learners with friendly characters or complement your courses with realistic illustrations. 

Internationalize your content

Translating eLearning presents a particular challenge. Content must first be laboriously prepared before being sent to an agency. KI-KAI takes care of the translation of your content with just a few clicks. Save up to 80% on translation costs. All you need to do is include a review by a native speaker, and you can ensure that your translations are of a high quality. 


Quality over quantity—your benefits

Reduce costs

Minimize translation, design, and content creation costs.

New target groups

Create content for smaller audiences and niche topics in a flash.

Targeted support

Support weaker and stronger learners through tailored learning content.

Rapid authoring

Create eLearning content up to 50% faster. You can create the first prototype in seconds.

More focus on the human aspect

Use your newfound free time to focus on the human aspect of your work and establish direct contact with the learners.

Higher quality

Focus your expertise on fine-tuning the AI-generated prototype. This guarantees higher quality content in the same amount of time.

Fewer stresses and pressures

By handing over repetitive and monotonous tasks to KI-KAI, you lower your stress levels and take the pressure off your projects. 


The bottom line.

KI-KAI relieves you of the monotonous and repetitive tasks that eat up your valuable working time. This allows you to concentrate on the essentials and create high-quality eLearning courses for your learners without the pressure and stress. You’ll finally have time to nurture stronger or weaker learners, serve smaller audiences, and connect directly with your learners. 

Nadine Pedro
[Translate to English:] Nadine Pedro, chemmedia AG
Nadine Pedro