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Arguments for introducing eLearning

Key criteria for management, HR departments, works councils, IT, and staff.

arguments eLearning

Introducing eLearning in a company is a complex task and generally affects all levels: Management, works councils, HR managers, IT and employees are all part of the eLearning project, and all have very different requirements.

This article provides arguments you can use to convince management, the works council, the IT department, and employees of the merits of introducing eLearning, and to address any preconceptions or doubts. Because it is important to deal with individual requirements, we provide the arguments to use with each group.


Put your faith in professional digital training

Why it is and remains important to your employees

According to a survey by the American Society for Training and Development, 77% of American companies used eLearning products in 2017 and achieved 218% more sales per employee and 24% higher profit margins. And no wonder: In busy working environments, online courses make it easier to access training programs and relevant in-house knowledge, to name just two of the many benefits of eLearning.

Investing in training and lifelong learning also increases job satisfaction and strengthens employee commitment to your company—ensuring you have loyal employees who have a long-term relationship with your company. Outstanding employers have already recognized this point and offer their employees the opportunity to maximize their potential through personal development. eLearning has numerous advantages compared with face-to-face training, ranging from efficient use of resources to provision of training that is tailored to individuals.


Success, right from the start—that’s how you win people over!

Background and persuasive arguments


Content should be delivered in segments, roll‑out should be effective, and learning outcomes should be measurable. Centralized administration of training also ensures that the HR department has continual oversight of all its employees, is able to identify learning needs, and can reward successes where appropriate.


New technologies that help to conserve resources are of particular interest here. When it comes to eLearning, it is important that company employees develop company-related skills that will help to maintain and improve the company’s competitive position. In addition to commercial aspects, it is vital to create a corporate culture that enables employees to identify with the company and promotes loyalty.


They therefore have a completely perspective on eLearning solutions. Data protection, data security and needs-based learning are the top priorities when it comes to deciding for or against eLearning software.


It is worth establishing what their needs and aspirations are right from the start. Flexibility, needs-based learning, fun, variety, and interaction are just some of the criteria that should be taken into account.


In order to be prepared to deal with these varied requirements and wishes, you need to have the right arguments. Since you are already aware of the many advantages of eLearning, we would like to help you communicate your enthusiasm, and so we have set out some of the key arguments for you. These will make it easy for you to dispel any concerns right from the start and convince everyone within the company of the benefits of your project. You will also find the appropriate arguments for all key levels of seniority in our white paper.


Arguments for the HR department

Employee training icon

Straightforward, individualized employee training

Training becomes completely relevant! Employees are only given training that is relevant to their specific requirements.

Icon Administrative expenses

Low administrative costs

Everything is done centrally and digitally! Employees, online courses, diplomas, certificates, roles, rights, reporting—everything is taken care of by one piece of software.

Icon training costs

Low training costs

Once created, content can be repeatedly used or recombined. No travel costs, no long downtime costs, no trainer costs.

Icon segmentation

Segmented and fast

Delivering training on the basis of the departments learners belong to, their positions, or other characteristics, enables knowledge to be rolled out in a very specific manner.

Icon reporting

Evaluation and reporting

Manageable, clear and simple: Evaluate training outcomes with ease and generate reports to demonstrate the achievement of specified training goals.


Arguments for employees

Icon individual learning opportunities

Everything you need

Easy access to new knowledge! Training is tailored to users’ individual needs, previous experience and learner type.

Icon Fun while learning

Fun while learning

State of the art, interactive and motivational. Configurable multimedia elements, such as quizzes, games, videos and audio files, ensure that learning is not only easier, but is even more fun.

Icon overview

Keep track

Keep an eye on your learning activity at all times. Participants can see in detail which courses they have successfully completed, which courses they have yet to take, and what deadlines and time frames apply. 

Icon flexible learning

Flexible learning

Learning can happen anytime and anywhere—on the bus or train, at work or at home, on a laptop or smartphone.

microlearning icon

Short and to the point

Minutes not hours! Digital training can be delivered in the form of small, entertaining units of knowledge that can be flexibly integrated into everyday routines. 


Arguments for the IT department

Icon up-to-date

Always up to date

Where eLearning software is provided on a “software as a service” basis, you can rest assured that it will be regularly updated by the provider, meaning that you will always have the latest version—without any tedious updates.

Icon browser-based

Browser based

With browser-based tools, there is also no need to install and administer additional programs or apps. The tools can be used on any browser—anywhere and on any device.


Arguments for management and works councils

…can all be found in our free white paper


White Paper

Preview Whitepaper Arguments for the introduction of e-learning in the company
Preview Whitepaper Arguments for the introduction of e-learning in the company
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Arguments for eLearning in your company

Key criteria for management, HR departments, works councils, IT, and staff in the comprehensive white paper.


The bottom line.

eLearning offers so many benefits for companies that there are in fact arguments that will convince all groups of the merits of its rapid introduction. It is crucial, however, to select professional eLearning software that will meet the diverse requirements of data security, usability, modernity, interactivity, and resource-efficient workflows. The eLearning specialists at chemmedia AG will be happy to advise you on the Knowledgeworker eLearning suite and assist with the introduction of eLearning in your company.

Magda Lehnert | Blogger
Magda Lehnert

Cover image: fizkes/shutterstock.com