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Accessibility Conformance Report

Knowledgeworker Create


It is our mission to enable international organizations to share knowledge worldwide and to provide smart learning to everyone. It is important to us that every learner is able to participate and benefit from our e‑learning solutions. That‘s why we designed Knowledgeworker Create to support accessibility standards as described in this report – for a future where education is equally accessible to everybody.


Product Information

Report Date: December 2022
Name of Product/Version: This Report applies to Knowledgeworker Create (Version 22.9) learner view. VPAT Information: Accessibility Conformance Report based on VPAT 2.4 Rev WCAG (March 2022
Applicable Standards/Guidelines: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1: Level A and AA (Level AAA not included)

Notes: This conformance report will be updated when new features and enhancements are released. We are continously increasing the conformance level for all criteria that are not yet fully supported.



We use the following terms to define conformance levels for accessibility criteria:

Supports: The functionality of the product has at least one method that meets the criterion without known defects or meets with equivalent facilitation.
Partially Supports: Some functionality of the product does not meet the criterion.
Does Not Support: The majority of product functionality does not meet the criterion
Not Applicable: The criterion is not relevant to the product.
Not Evaluated: The product has not been evaluated against the criterion. This can be used only in WCAG 2.0 Level AAA.


Success Criteria, Level A

1. Perceivable

1.1.1 Non-text Content

Also applies to Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Partially Supports

Almost all non-decorative ui-components are already accessible by screen readers. E.g. non-text buttons come with names. Furthermore we support various means to define alternative descriptions for user-defined non-text content. E.g.:

  • Transcripts & subtitles can be linked to videos.
  • Captions can be defined for images.

Currently we are working on improvements for layered images, likert questions, scenarios, flip cards, search functionality.

1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded)

Also applies to Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Partially Supports

We support transcripts for audio elements in both existing formats (standard and compact). These will be displayed in an expandable box underneath the audio control bar.

Transcripts for videos/videostreams and animations (package media) will be implemented soon.

Partially Supports

The author can define subtitles for videos. Subtitles and captions for audio are not yet implemented.

Does Not Support

Currently we only support transcripts for audio files. Extended, detailed descriptions as readable text or additional audio tracks for videos are not yet supported but are coming soon.


The course content is semantically formatted for easy screenreader and keyboard navigation.


Logically navigation for all elements implemented (e.g. D&D question offers a keyboard optimized control)

Additonally the author has the option to group content like headings, texts and media with separators, sections and rows.

Partially Supports

Most of the interactive elements provide textbased instructions to let learners access all functionalities.

Some non decorative icons are not yet completly accessible. We are still working on improvements.

Partially Supports

When we use colors for interactive elements such as correct/wrong answers for questions, we also provide labels for screen readers as an alternative. Our color schemes aim to provide a good overall contrast ratio in all occasions. Besides it is up to the author to ensure that externally created media is also accessible for learners with color blindness.

We are working on improvements related to visited interactive elements and timed contents like questionnaires with a time limit.

Not Applicable

Our responsive courses do not autoplay audio media. Learners can use accessible play and pause buttons to control the playback manually.


2. Operable

Partially Supports

Most elements are already optimized for keyboard or alternative input controls either by providing direct access or indirectly through hidden elements.

We are working on improvements for alternative keyboard navigation of drag and drop elements, search results and audio seeking controls.


Keyboard focus will not be trapped except in popups and menu navigation where the cursor can easily escape by closing or exiting aforementioned controls via the Esc-key or other standardized keyboard shortcuts.

Not Applicable

Our online courses support native system or browser keyboard functionality and do not use any customized keyboard shortcuts.

Not Applicable

Our online courses support native system or browser keyboard functionality and do not use any customized keyboard shortcuts.

Not Applicable

Our online courses do not contain self-updating content with animations/transitions longer than 5 seconds.

Externally created package media/questions as well as videos should follow the WCAG guidelines.


Our online courses do not contain any components that flash or blink more than three times per second.

The author must make sure that this also applies to externally created package media/questions as well as videos.

Partially Supports

Our courses contain almost none blocking content. Repetitive components (such as header or footer navigation) can easily be skipped by the learner.

We are working on further improvements for the main menu.

Partially Supports

Online courses automatically use the course title as page title.

To give learnes a better overview of their learning progress, we will add the current chapter as part of the page title soon.


Focusable elements, such as links and form controls, have a logical and intuitive navigation order. A divergent order can be manually defined where it is suitable (hotspots, media extensions).


Authors are advised to use meaningful text for every link so functionality is explained to learners.


Our courses do not rely on multi-point gestures. For image enlargements we provide an alternate way for pinch-to-zoom functionality.


Click events happen when learners are releasing the mouse button. This helps learners to avoid clicking the wrong target accidentally. They may move the mouse away from the target before releasing the button if they do not want to trigger an action.

Partially Supports

Most navigational buttons have accessible names that match the labels.

Not Applicable

Online courses do not support navigating the content by motion controls (e.g. turning, tilting or moving the learner‘s devices).


3. Understandable


The language of the course is set on page level and enables the screenreader to choose the proper pronounciation.


Online courses do not interfere with focus changes by the learner.


Use of form controls such as radio buttons, input fields etc. do not alter other content/controls in an unpredictable manner. The learner‘s context will be preserved.


Online courses provide feedback for wrongly answered questions. The optional print certificate functionality needs to check required name input.

Partially Supports

We already provide sufficient labels or instructions for a variety of elements. Until all components will be fully accessible, authors are adviced to use optional descriptions or texts to explain the purpose of those interactions.


4. Robust

Partially Supports

Online courses are exported into well-formed HTML and do not contain any duplicate attributes.

Partially Supports

The internal course structure follows a consistent order and hierarchy. We employ semantic groups, ARIA roles, and structured controls to facilitate the accessiblity of our contents. Some improvements are still on the way for questions, questionaires and download buttons.


Success Criteria, Level AA

1. Perceivable

Not Applicable

It is not possible to use embedded real-time broadcasts.

Does Not Support

Additional second soundtrack audio description for video content is currently not available.


Reflows of content automatically works in both landscape and portrait mode.

Not Applicable

No form elements for authors available.


Standard themes do meet the contrast criterion in most cases. But it is possible that customers may define less contrast values with brand colors. The author has to be attentive to the use of colors. Our support team will point out unfavorable color combinations.

Partially Supports

It is possible to overlay text on images using our image hotspots

Partially Supports

No horizontal scrolling is required in content. Exceptions are externally created package media and package questions.

Partially Supports

Interface elements, like interactive buttons, meet non-text contrast guidelines. Authors must make sure that theme colors and images/illustrations meet the required minimum contrast ratio of 3:1. For better insight use contrast checker to determine your contrast ratio between background and foreground elements.


Text spacing is adjustible without loosing operability, content or informations.


Content that appears only when an element has focus (e.g., a tooltip) is dismissible, hoverable, and persistent.


Content that appears only when an element has focus (e.g., a tooltip) is dismissible, hoverable, and persistent.


2. Operable


Our courses offer multiple and alternative ways to orientate and navigate the web page, for example through pagination, tile, breadcrumbs, header, forward and backward navigation. Furthermore you can use the burger menu and search results to navigate.


Built-in controls are properly labeled and identified. Authors are responsible to give headings for chapters, sections or any other labels a descriptive meaning.


Elements have a visible keyboard focus marker.


3. Understandable

Does Not Support

We do not support adjustable screen reader languages for separate text blocks in the same course nor we do not intend to implement this feature for the time being.


Built-in navigation elements always appear in the same location. We provide a variety of navigation components that can be individually enabled or disabled e.g. side menu, tiles, forward/backward navigation.


All built-in components are rendered consistently. If all components meet the requirements of 1.1.1 and 4.1.2 then this criterium is automatically fulfilled.

If authors intend to reuse content, media or controls they need to make sure to label them consistently.


Error suggestions for input controls are supported. For questions and questionnaires default feedback will be displayed. Additionally the author can define individual feedbacks for every question and its answers.

Not Applicable

Online courses do not cause any legal commitments or financial transactions to occur.


4. Robust

Partially Supports

Status messages are supported by a couple of interactive components (e.g. carousel, question feedback, expansion box). They do not appear without any change in the user‘s context.

We are working on improvements for the layered image component.