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Online training course creation made easy

How to create online corporate training courses without the stress


Training courses are an integral part of every company’s training repertoire. From compliance training on occupational safety and data protection, to more role-specific courses such as product training—learning is part of everyday corporate life. Online training courses have now become the method of choice.

In this article, you’ll learn all about the benefits of online training. Find out how to create online training courses, and what software you need to do so. We’ll also answer the most frequently asked questions on this topic.


Why create online training courses instead of doing things face-to-face?

While remote working and learning were still a rather unusual, special case a few years ago, the digitalization of further training has now truly arrived in SMEs. The changes associated with the coronavirus pandemic have shifted many traditionally analog processes to the digital world. With great success! eLearning is enjoying immense popularity, and the benefits for companies speak for themselves. Online training courses are becoming increasingly popular compared to face-to-face options. And it’s clear to see why:


Creating online training courses

  • time-flexible
  • location-independent
  • everyone learns at their own pace
  • multimedia content boosts engagement
  • consistent quality
  • as many participants as you like
  • learning outcomes are transparent
  • cost savings

In-person training

  • only available at a certain time and place
  • requires training rooms
  • trainer sets the pace
  • unengaging classroom teaching
  • quality depends on the trainer
  • limited number of participants depending on the room size
  • learning outcomes are difficult to measure
  • expensive

Creating, rolling out, and evaluating online training courses

What software is required?

To create online training courses, you first need special eLearning software. This may seem daunting at first, but its ease of use and—above all—the results will soon convince you. With modern eLearning software, you can easily create multimedia learning experiences for your employees. What you need:


Authoring tool/LCMS

To create online training courses, you first need a learning content management system (LCMS) or an authoring tool. With an intuitive drag and drop editor, you can create online training courses in minutes, without any programming or design knowledge. A good LCMS offers you numerous, easy-to-use features to keep your learners engaged with multimedia content. Insert text, images, videos, and interactive graphics. Have learners demonstrate their knowledge with quiz questions and knowledge tests. The various interactive elements increase learner engagement. This ensures a better learning outcome compared to face-to-face training. 


Learning management system (LMS)

The LMS is the actual learning platform. This is where you host the online training courses you have created for your employees. You assign learners to suitable courses, either individually or in groups, and monitor their progress. Your learners access the online training courses centrally via the LMS. From any device they like. The only requirement: An active internet connection. Whether in the office, on the train, or at home on the sofa—with an LMS, you can learn anywhere.


Learning experience platform (LXP)

An LXP is the big brother of an LMS, so to speak. With this type of learning platform, the focus is on the user’s learning experience. Instead of having online training prescribed by managers, learners discover new content on an LXP in a self-directed way. This content can come from various sources: In addition to the online training courses you create in-house, content from YouTube, LinkedIn Learning, and other external platforms can also be integrated. You can even allow user-generated content, i.e. content made by users for users. The ideal starting point for social learning. To use an LXP successfully, it is vital for your company to have a positive digital learning culture. 


Gamification apps

Gamification apps are applications that make learning easier with the help of game-like elements. These can range from classic flashcards and scenario simulations to ranking lists and scoring systems. Gamification makes online training more entertaining. It ensures that your employees enjoy learning. Playing games also helps people to grasp content more quickly and remember it for longer.


Creating online training courses—Software FAQ

Authoring tool search visualization

How do I choose the right authoring tool?

Business team at a laptop: Rapid authoring in eLearning

How do I save time when creating online training courses?

Responsive online courses

Are online training courses mobile-compatible?

Woman with a clipboard next to a mockup about choosing the right learning management system

How do I choose the right LMS?

Employees enjoying gamified learning on a tablet

What exactly is gamification?

Group of employees receiving further training via smartphone and gamification

Which gamification tools do I need?

Image on the topic of LCMS, LMS, LXP, LRS: the key eLearning terms explained

What is the difference between LCMS, LMS, LXP, and LRS?

Data protection in eLearning

What about data protection?


Step-by-step guide to creating online training courses

Creating online training courses sounds complicated at first. But in reality, digital training differs only slightly from analog training. The basics remain the same. You still need the expertise of your HR department. The following step-by-step guide will give you a brief but informative overview of how to create successful online training courses.

(1) Define your learning objectives

Define clearly and precisely what you want to achieve with your training course. Determine which skills or knowledge you want the participants to acquire. These targets will then serve as a guideline for the entire course development process.

(2) Know your target group

Understand who your participants are, what they already know, and what they need to learn. This knowledge enables you to tailor the course content to the needs and level of your target group.

(3) Choose the right software

Decide on a learning management system (LMS) and authoring tool that meet your requirements. Consider user-friendliness, compatibility with different devices, and options for integrating interactive elements.

(4) Develop the training content

Create content that supports the learning objectives. Use a mixture of text, images, videos, and interactive elements to provide an engaging learning experience. Make sure to organize the content into a logical sequence of modules or chapters.

(5) Design interactive and practical exercises

Interactivity increases participant involvement and understanding. Integrate quizzes, surveys, and simulations to reinforce what they have learned. Practical exercises help people to practice applying their new knowledge in real-life situations.

(6) Carry out an intensive review

Carry out a review before you publish the training. Perform tests to ensure that all the various elements work correctly and that the content is understandable. Gather feedback from a small group of test users and make any necessary adjustments.

(7) Implement the training

Publish your course on your chosen LMS and inform your target group about its availability. Provide all the information they need to register and participate.

(8) Evaluate and update the training regularly

Gather feedback from the participants after the training. Evaluate success based on the predefined learning objectives, and make improvements based on the feedback. Regular updates ensure that the course remains relevant and effective.


Best practice examples

Creating online training courses

What does an effective online training course actually look like? The following best practice examples show you what digital training could look like in your company. Explore our demo courses and experience for yourself the interactive, multimedia options eLearning has to offer.


The bottom line.

Creating online training courses is not as difficult as it sounds at first. With the right software and good preparation, companies can benefit from the numerous advantages of digital training. Are you ready to switch from the classroom to online training? We’ll support you every step of the way, from the initial idea to rollout and evaluation.

Nadine Pedro
[Translate to English:] Nadine Pedro, chemmedia AG
Nadine Pedro

Image source: Standret/shutterstock.com